Tuesday, July 6, 2010

early morning reverie

Holidays is almost drawing to an end..NAH, i have over one week left XDD eheh. What a waste of 5 weeks. I sleep extremely late and wake up.. 12 hours later. There goes my day. No wonder why the year passes by so quickly when i think about it. But my excuse is that i never get enough sleep during the semester and the holiday makes up for it, this is not true. Just makes me feel better about sleeping in.

I want to BREAKFAST with my HOLGA soon. The poor camera has been sitting on my shelf, untouched for months on end. I just popped a new roll of film in and have yet to get the first roll processed. the camera needs to be with me wherever i go but films and processing them is just way too expensive. I was also considering on buying another Holga. One for colour, the other BW. My DSLR is too heavy and bulky to carry around. On the topic of cameras, I'm still waiting on one. I mentioned it in my last 2 post(?) 4 weeks, yet no reply from seller. Note to shelf to never but from ASIAN sellers. NAH, who am i kidding. But when i do receive my camera, if ever, I'm going to need more films and where else to source them but yours truly, eBay.

It's almost 6. I don't think i'm going to sleep. Afternoon nap :)?

Friday, June 25, 2010

i can't stop

I'm beginning to enjoy posting up sturfff :D the weather is affecting my mood, boo. mommy suggested i do some cleaning but i would rather sleep through this weather.

I love the anticipation for mail to arrive but this is taking way too long. So i brought another camera online from overseas via Ebay(I've never trusted Ebay, but i couldn't help myself) it's been almost 3 weeks. arghh.

trinh xx

flying machine

Melbourne International Jazz Festival 2010 Guide

Final, and most enjoyable typography assignment. Typesetting was a killer. Was i suppose to have 2010 on it? Oh dear, too late now. I will post a photo of how it looks folded once I get the assignment returned from marking.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Woo, at last I've made a blog. I've been putting it off for a while because I've been too preoccupied...hrm lazy. Let's hope I can keep this blog going (I have a tendency to slack off after a while :D) As this is my first proper blog, I would have love to type up a boring introduction about myself but you guys can read that through my profile page when i have it up and running. Basically I've set this blog up to post up some of my works and whatnot. Feel free to comment. Would love to read what you guys think.
Trinh xx